Tuesday, March 31, 2015


We have been looking at things that change. We have found out that many things are changing all around us. Some things change quickly, others slowly.

We have all changed. 

We looked at our baby photos, toddler photos and our Kindergarten photos.
Some of us wrote about how we have changed over the last few years.

This wee man has grown up and is in Room 2.

When I was a baby I had to crawl. I drank milk. I made noises. I really was a baby.
Now I can ride my bike. I had a four wheeler when I was three. When I was five I could ride a two wheeled motor bike.
By Blake

When I was a baby I was very tired. I used to drink lots of milk. I couldn't walk and my Mum used to carry me. I am big now and I can eat and walk by myself.
By Angus

When I was a baby I drank milk and I had no teeth.
I couldn't walk.
By Hamiora

When I was a baby I only had two teeth in my mouth. My Mum had to feed me.
When I was a baby couldn't sleep in my Mum and Dad's bed.
By Elley-May

When I was a baby I had milk a lot.
I made lots of noise and I had short hair. 
I couldn't eat because I didn't have teeth.
When I was a toddler I could eat food. When I was a preschooler I could talk and my hair was long. I could walk too.
By Raiven

When I was a baby I couldn't walk well. 
I had no teeth.
When I was little I could walk to the door.
When I was a baby I used to have sleeps and milk.
I said "Mum" and "Dad".
I was in a cot and a high chair.
By Ella

When I was a baby I used to suck my thumb. I didn't have teeth.
By Amelia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much change there is in the world? Things are changing all the time, everywhere.